
Minggu, 26 Juli 2009

Mengenal lebih dekat Link Ads dan Link Mura,Link Sura di Linkworth

Beberapa kali saya mendapat offer LINK ADS dan LINK MURA dari advertiser linkworth yang, tapi tidak dapat saya selesaikan dengan baik sehingga job yang mirip sell link ini menguap begitu saja. Terus terang saya bingung masalah penempatan codenya, karena sudah saya coba menempatkan code tersebut di feed pertamanya berhasil tapi hari besoknya sudah tidak terdetek lagi sehingga spider system linkworth menganggap link mura not found. Jika Link Ads merupakan link statis yang biasanya hanya 1 link, maka Link mura, Sura merupakan gabungan beberapa link yang jika di tempatkan pada feed atau RSS, akan saling bergantian mucul di home page/halaman utama blog kita kalo bahasa kerennya rotating advetising.

Yang mau saya katakan adalah di linkworth tidak hanya melulu pada linkpostnya saja tapi cobalah anda explore pada program penghasil dollar yang mereka tawarkan. Dan satu lagi ketika anda mensubmit blog baru usahakan tidak hanya pada linkpost nya saja tetapi Offer LinkAds, Offer LinkSuras and LinkMuras anda cetang juga.

Offer LinkAds (static text link ads), Offer LinkSuras and LinkMuras (rotating ads, require server side processing) Help
I don't want to offer LinkAds, LinkSuras and LinkMuras at this time.
Yes, I want to offer LinkAds only. I will set at least one location price below.
Yes, I want to offer LinkAds, LunkSuras and LinkMuras. I will set at least one location price below.
Jika anda ingin mendalami link ads, mura dan sura mudah2an email notifikasi ini membantu anda.
Silahlan anda baca email notifikasi dari linkworth kepada saya ini:

Dear LinkWorth Partner,

Account ID: xxxxx
Username: xxxxx

You have received a new rotating ad request from a LinkWorth advertiser to be placed on your partner website:


Rotating Ads are a dynamic product which requires your website to process either PHP, ASP, CGI/PERL or Cold Fusion code. The ads can *ONLY* be published in this manner or it will not function correctly. If you cannot do this, please make sure you login and cancel the request. If you need help, please contact support.

The new request is awaiting your approval in your LinkWorth account. Please go to:

login to your account and navigate to PARTNER >> MY ADS >> LINKSURA/LINKMURA >> PENDING and you will see all pending requests. Review the new pending links to ensure they are to your satisfaction to be placed on your website. Once you approve a link, it is imperative that you immediately place the link on your website. We have several options available for publishing your links. Please select the option you choose before approving any links under MY SITES >> PUBLISH.

If you have any questions, please submit a ticket at

Thank you,

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